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药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经:有诸众生,不识善恶,居住证怀贪吝。不知布施,及施果报,遇痴 无智。
缺于信根。多聚财宝,勤加守护,见乞者来,其心不喜。设不获已而行布施时,如割身肉,深生痛惜,复有无量悭贪有情。积集资财。于其自身,尚不受用。何况能与父母妻子。奴婢 作使。及来乞者,彼诸有情,从此命终,生饿鬼界,或傍生趣。由昔人间,曾得暂闻药师琉璃光如来名故。今在恶趣,暂得忆念彼如来名,即于念时,从彼处没,还生人间,得宿命念,畏恶趣苦,不乐欲乐,好行惠施,赞叹施者,一切所有,悉无贪惜,渐次能以头目 ,手足,血肉,身分,施来救者。况余财物。。。。。。
缺于信根。多聚财宝,勤加守护,见乞者来,其心不喜。设不获已而行布施时,如割身肉,深生痛惜,复有无量悭贪有情。积集资财。于其自身,尚不受用。何况能与父母妻子。奴婢 作使。及来乞者,彼诸有情,从此命终,生饿鬼界,或傍生趣。由昔人间,曾得暂闻药师琉璃光如来名故。今在恶趣,暂得忆念彼如来名,即于念时,从彼处没,还生人间,得宿命念,畏恶趣苦,不乐欲乐,好行惠施,赞叹施者,一切所有,悉无贪惜,渐次能以头目 ,手足,血肉,身分,施来救者。况余财物。。。。。。
回复: 不可随处小便应改为小处不可随便。
谁能翻译NEWSweeK june 5, 1995里面的一段话?-
striking back
Sobnia NATO airstikes turn up the pressure on the serbs-and put beleaguered U.N.peacekeepers in the middle of a tense showdown.
Bodies all over the place: An eldertly woman is evacuated from a sarajevo suburb shelled in retaliation for the NATO raids on Pale.
Like a signal whose full meaning still cant't be divined, a plume of dardk somke last week hung over the town of pale, headquarters of the Bosnian Serbs. Planes from at least three NATO countries-the United States, three NATO countries -the United States, France and the Neteherlands-had twince bombeed Serb ammunition dumps. |There wont be any more talk about pinprick strikes,' said one NATO official in Naples. "Werre hitting them whtere it hurts."
In retaliation for the NATO attacks, the Serbs went on a rampage. They shelled five of the six U>N.-decclared safe haveens in BOsnia, Bringing carnage to Tuzla; ingnored a U.N. emand to srerrender heavy weapons around Sarajevo, and took U.N. military observers hostage, chaining them up at the damaged amunition clump. That might have seemed provocation enough for a thired attack. Instead, there was, says one NATO officer.
striking back
Sobnia NATO airstikes turn up the pressure on the serbs-and put beleaguered U.N.peacekeepers in the middle of a tense showdown.
Bodies all over the place: An eldertly woman is evacuated from a sarajevo suburb shelled in retaliation for the NATO raids on Pale.
Like a signal whose full meaning still cant't be divined, a plume of dardk somke last week hung over the town of pale, headquarters of the Bosnian Serbs. Planes from at least three NATO countries-the United States, three NATO countries -the United States, France and the Neteherlands-had twince bombeed Serb ammunition dumps. |There wont be any more talk about pinprick strikes,' said one NATO official in Naples. "Werre hitting them whtere it hurts."
In retaliation for the NATO attacks, the Serbs went on a rampage. They shelled five of the six U>N.-decclared safe haveens in BOsnia, Bringing carnage to Tuzla; ingnored a U.N. emand to srerrender heavy weapons around Sarajevo, and took U.N. military observers hostage, chaining them up at the damaged amunition clump. That might have seemed provocation enough for a thired attack. Instead, there was, says one NATO officer.
回复: 不可随处小便应改为小处不可随便。
莲平上师有一本从基督教堂请购到的《正确看待同性恋》。。。。。还有美国水门事件。中国人的文明程度低,一看到大组织就以为总统拿 不到税收还是总书记没有特权经营的内幕?大家都是祖宗子孙,不宜过多刺控小家庭的 事件。